Read our main research reports, organisational reports, Reconciliation News magazine, and other publications.

Reconciliation News August 2011
This edition of Reconciliation News reflects on National Reconciliation Week 2011 and the various events around the country which celebrated the occasion.

Reconciliation News April 2011
Edition 20 of Reconciliation News farewelled Reconciliation Australia Co-Chair and founding Director Mark Leibler after more than a decade in the role and celebrated Dr Tom Calma, recognised by Curtin University with a Doctor of Science.

Reconciliation News December 2010
In this edition of Reconciliation News we celebrate our 200th registered Reconciliation Action Plan, this milestone comes only four years from the start of our RAP program.

2010 Australian Reconciliation Barometer
In the 2010 Barometer additional questions were added, which examined the role that business should take in promoting reconciliation and addressing Indigenous disadvantage.

Reconciliation News September 2010
The 18th edition of Reconciliation News welcomes Reconciliation Australia’s first Indigenous Chief Executive, Leah Armstrong, as well as several new board members.

Reconciliation News May 2010
10 years on from the 2000 Bridge walks, what steps have we taken towards Reconciliation in Australia? This edition of Reconciliation News examines our past and looks to our future by considering the 2010 theme, Let’s see it through.